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Expert Webinar Promo: Dr. Paul Early
Infact School Expert Webinar Series Premier! Attend live event, or watch Replay On Demand!
Give a Scholarship for Food Addiction Informed Treatment
Contribute to increasing the availability of Food Addiction Informed Treatment! Provide a gift towards student tuition. Pay it forward to increase the INFACT School Scholarship Fund. #foodaddiction #addictiontreatment
Food Addiction is REAL!
Fuel your recovery and counseling journey by participating in Treatment Practicum II starting on January 12 and 13. It is a unique opportunity to learn by doing, participating in the role of a patient starting recovery. Why Choose Treatment Practicum II? Hands-On Learning: 1. Participants actively participate in the treatment process for an invaluable experience of receiving treatment, as well as observing and practicing providing treatment in a safe, authentic and deeply connected manner. 2. Immerse yourself fully in the program to advance your professional skills in assisting others in their Food Addiction recovery journey. Visit for more!
Professionals Applying The Big Book -
Welcome to an exciting and meaningful virtual self-study course that will enrich you professionally and personally! 30 years in the making! Join Dr. Guttorm Toverud in his comprehensive self-study course and learn how to use The Big Book’s “original recipe” in professional addiction treatment. Guttorm Toverud has a Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education with a specialty in addictions and a Master’s degree in Agency Counseling with an emphasis in addictions, both from the USA. Although residing in America, he works in Scandinavia helping clinics and public service providers both establish and run 12-Step-based treatment. He also provides clinical and programmatic supervision. Together with a psychiatrist he developed a model for early intervention entitled “Arriving too late… as early as possible.” Ongoing enrollment, self-paced, online study course Register today at discounts available for group registration
Passionate About Helping Others Overcome Food Addiction?
Are you passionate about helping others overcome food addiction? Do you dream about making a real difference in people’s lives? Look no further than The INFACT School! The International School for Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment (The INFACT School) is the world’s first and only Food Addiction counseling training that awards professional certification from an accredited certification body. Graduates qualify to receive a Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP) certificate from the European Certification Board and a CFAP from the The Addiction Professionals Certification Board. With over 170 hours of engaging online and informative teaching sessions, you'll delve deep into the world of food addiction to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make a lasting impact. INFACT School's experienced instructors, who are leading experts in the field, will guide you through the latest research and evidence based practices. The INFACT School goes beyond theory and equips you with the hands-on skills needed to support individuals on their journey to recovery. You'll gain invaluable experience working directly with clients under the supervision of our faculty within the Practicum Program, that is part of the certification course. Upon completion of our program, you'll achieve the credential of Certified Food Addiction Professional, ready to make a positive impact in the lives of those struggling with food addiction. Register for the INFACT School Food Addiction Professional Certification Course and be a part of the solution. Together, let's build a healthier future for all!
Become A Food Addiction Professional
The International School for Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment (The INFACT School) is the world’s first and only Food Addiction counseling training that awards professional certification from an accredited certification body. Graduates qualify to receive a Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP) certificate from the European Certification Board and a CFAP from the The Addiction Professionals Certification Board.
The INFACT School 1 minute ad
Meet the teachers of the Infact School. We teach the science and methods for treatment for Food Addiction!
Food Addiction Versus Eating Disorders, What Are the Differences?
These three incredible professionals have not only personally experienced recovery from addiction, but they have made it their life’s work to help others recover from food addiction and eating disorders. This podcast panel episode is comprised of three well-known experts in the treatment of food addiction and eating disorders, Dr. Marty Lerner, Amanda Leith, and Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir. Dr. Marty Lerner is the founder and CEO of the Milestones in Recovery program (Milestones In Recovery website) in southeast Florida Amanda Leith heads SHiFT, Recovery by Acorn ( SHiFT website ), and Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir, owner of this podcast, leads the INFACT School (INFACT School website). These professionals agree that as we look at the differences and similarities between eating disorders and food addiction, it can be complicated. Yet one thing they all agree on, eating disorders almost always have some basis in an addictive bodily response, and or addictive and compulsive food behaviors. The absolute importance of complete abstinence from addictive foods such as sugar, ultra-processed foods, flour, and other trigger foods, weighing and measuring portions can be critical to recovery. Treatment programs for food addiction are quite valuable to help engage food addicts to begin recovery and food plans can vary by individual. While there are many ways to look at the emotional and spiritual aspects of food addiction recovery, all agree that 12-step programs are important to long-term recovery. Our society focuses on quick fixes for weight control, restrictive diets, surgery, and drugs, yet the solution is getting to the nature of the addiction and the emotional work around food use and behaviors. Listen to these experts talk about the disease of food addiction and eating disorders and learn how treatment can work, there is a solution to weight control and compulsive food behaviors.
My Food Use and Weight was Affecting Everything In My Life
Lori P., once bound by the grips of food addiction, narrates her journey through personal trials, from a turbulent childhood and a dissolved marriage to the sorrow of losing her mother. As a high-ranking corporate leader, she grappled with her weight, cycling through numerous diets and food as a coping mechanism. Hitting rock bottom became the catalyst for change, leading her to embrace a 12-step program for food addiction. Through this, Lori relinquished her struggle with food, achieving and sustaining a significant weight loss of 55 pounds. Embracing a spiritual path has been pivotal in Lori's daily recovery, finding solace in divine love and self-acceptance. Departing from the corporate world, she discovered her true calling: to empower other professional women. In recovery from addiction with food, Lori unlocked her innate talents and launched her own enterprise. Her transformation is a beacon of hope, showcasing a shift from a life overshadowed by addiction to one filled with purpose, joy, and freedom from food.
No Weight Loss Program Can Beat a Severe Food Addiction
Dr. Ifland has been looking for a reliable way to help people stop compulsively eating addictive, harmful foods since 1996. She has a personal experience with food addiction. Once she realized that her mental and physical health was being negatively affected by her food choices, she began eliminating certain foods. Dr. Ifland educates about how recovery from food addiction prevents diseases. She predicts that 1.6 million Americans die from diet/nutrition-related diseases each year. She talks about how tobacco companies purchased food companies years ago to add sugar and create highly-processed “food-like substances”, intended them to be highly addictive. Dr. Joan Ifland provides counseling about how to break the cycle from severe cravings to live a mentally and physically healthy lifestyle. She runs the Food Addiction Reset program.
Denial of My Food Addiction Caused Me to Live From the Neck Up
**"Kristie M., a recovered food addict, has been maintaining a 170-pound weight loss for many years. Having been a child of obese parents and one parent who abused alcohol, she identifies as being obsessed with food early in her life and dealt with the shame and denial of not being able to control her weight or food consumption on her own. She used many addictive food behaviors including secret eating that undermined any success she experienced attempting to use diets to control her weight or food. A work colleague told her about a 12-step recovery program for food addiction. She attended and applied the program to her life. Despite a relapse about five years into her abstinence in which she gained 100 pounds, she was able to return and fully embrace that she was had a severe addiction to sugar, flour, and volume eating. As a result, today she maintains a normal body weight. Although Kristie has experienced tragedies in her life, today working a daily practice of recovery from food addiction has taught her not dwell in the past or worry about the future. She has learned to distinguish between her thoughts and reality, gain composure over her behavior, regulate her food consumption and embrace people and life events on life's terms."**
I Was an Unhappy Fat Boy, Today I’m a Joyful, Thin Man
Michael Prager lost 130 pounds and gained it back twice. On his 34th birthday, he reached 365 pounds. He felt miserable and isolated from people and was alienated with shame for his body size. After struggling with dieting for many years, he discovered his addictive, biochemical reaction to sugar, flour, and highly processed foods. He desperately gave up control and decided to “get out of the driver’s seat” and surrender his will. He wrote about his journey from childhood through recovery from food addiction in his book, "Fat Boy, Thin Man." Michael attended a 5-day food addiction treatment program, Shift, Recovery by Acorn where he discovered how to reach and maintain a healthy body weight. Michael originally didn't believe in any kind of God or Higher Power to surrender his will to, but he finally found his own way to let go of the helplessness over his food and his weight. Michael's sharp mind would get in the way of experiencing and expressing emotions. He realized he couldn't control himself once he started eating certain foods. Michael Prager is a writer and journalist in Arlington, Massachusetts. He provides an important message about the reality of food addiction, emphasizing that this disease is not our fault, and recovery is possible.
Deception And Persuasion By the Food Industry Contribute To Our Food Addiction
Thirty-four years ago, when Dr. Debbie Danowski weighed 328 pounds, she realized that her life was unmanageable. She decided to enter a food addiction recovery program. Today, Dr. Danowski maintains a 170 weight loss through a daily recovery routine. In this episode of the Food Addiction: The Problem and The Solution podcast, host Susan Branscome discusses the denial, powerlessness and the negative consequences of food addiction with Dr. Danowski. Getting the message out about food addiction is the driving force in all of Dr. Danowski's work. Her newest book Happy Eating and Food Addiction in American Advertising profiles how the food and drink industries are contributing to food addiction and obesity in the U.S. Researching to write the book, she watched over 500 food advertisements. She identified specific techniques used to sell ultra-processed foods that promise consequence-free eating and encourage over-consumption of addictive foods and drinks. Dr. Danowski presents an analysis of those marketing methods through the filter of food addiction characteristics and behaviors, such as using food to rebel, play, relax and achieve happiness and good health. Listen to Dr. Debbie Danowski share her recovery from food addiction and the evolution of her career helping others understand the truth about food addiction and how the Big Food industry promotes unhealthy food consumption.
The “Addict Brain” Highjacks Our Brains Like a Computer Virus
Paul H. Earley, M.D., FASAM is an Addiction Medicine Physician who treats all types of addictive diseases. He has over 30 years of experience in the treatment of addiction, with a specialty in the assessment and treatment of addiction in health care professionals. In his book, Recovery Mind Training Dr. Paul Earley cites the statistic that addiction is a devastating brain disease affecting over 23 million individuals including their loved ones in the U.S. alone. He says that the single biggest driver around addiction is genetics and that there is a strong genetic link with addiction in families. Dr. Earley describes how powerful and insidious the Addict Brain is as it hijacks our brains without us being aware. The Addict Brain is like a computer virus running autonomously in the background virtually undetectable overwhelming an individual's conscious control by reorganizing life goals and ensuring its survival. Once the addict recognizes this and begins to realize the Addict Brain’s power as negative consequences occur, it is possible to implement new skills and recovery practices and place the addiction in remission. In his Recovery Mind Training method of recovery, he employs six domains including addiction containment, basic recovery skills, and emotional awareness and resilience. The RMT method helps unwind and repair damages to the individual as well as his or her family and social network caused by the Addict Brain. Dr. Earley recommends recovering addicts develop a set of skills and life responses to handle life situations blocking the primitive drive to use the addictive substance. He integrates a 12-step recovery program as part of his model and says when we recover and our behaviors are in alignment with our morals and values we find the feeling of freedom, joy, peace and serenity. He cites the strong connection between successful sustained recovery and those individuals developing a spiritual side. What an outstanding podcast episode as we host Dr. Paul Earley outlining the problem...and the solution!
I Used Food In the Same Ways I Had Used Alcohol and Drugs
When an overweight friend had a stroke, Tony W. realized that if he did not address his own weight and food issues, his health would continue to decline. Weighing 464 pounds, he had many obesity-related illnesses including neuropathy in his feet and five hernia surgeries. He grew up in a family and culture of fried foods and high-calorie foods. Tony got sober from drugs and alcohol using a 12-step recovery program, then began using food even more than he had. Since he entered the Bright Line Eating Program, Tony has released all of the extra pounds to achieve a healthy body weight, He eliminated sugar and flour, limited the times he eats during the day, and weighed his food amounts. The Bright Line Eating Program helped Tony focus on the inner emotional work required around the reasons he was using food. The work Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD, founder of Bright Line Eating, has done as a neuroscientist resonated with Tony because of her focus on the chemical reaction in the brain when we ingest sugar and flour. Tony recognized that it was not his lack of willpower which caused his food addiction, but rather his body’s response to addictive substances which set up cravings and obsessive behaviors around food. He talks about how automaticity began to play a part in his daily routine in which he has developed new habits that feel normal. Today Tony W. lives a happy, thin and free life through having recovered from food addiction as he continues to follow his program each day. What an inspiring and hopeful story of recovery from food addiction!
Dr. Olubunmi Aboaba
Dr. Olubunmi Aboaba is an Alumni of the Infact School Certification for Food Addiction Professional Training. In this video, she discusses the benefits, experience, depth of knowledge, experience and value of education provided by the International School For Food Addiction Counseling And Treatment (INFACT School)
08 25 22 Pamela M on Infact
Vanessa Kessler, Infact School Alumni
Vanessa is a counselor specialised in food addiction based in Sydney. A decade ago she hit bottom with her lifelong struggle with food addiction and binge eating. On her path to recovery she’s explored a huge range of therapies, food plans, self-help groups, books and programs and traveled to healing retreats around the globe. Her experience inspired her to become a therapist to help others suffering from distress around food and eating. She’s a passionate speaker on the topic of food addiction and draws on a global network of food addiction experts to share the latest knowledge and research on the topic. Vanessa is a member of the Australian Counselling Association and a SANE AUSTRALIA peer ambassador. Vanessa Kessler, an Infact School alumna from 2018 who now works as a counselor and psychotherapist. Vanessa Kessler, recovering food addict, describes her progression from childhood into full blown food addiction and how she found recovery through abstinence. She did a diploma in counselling in early recovery after 2 or 3 years, then she trained as a coach. By the time she did Infact, she was already working as a recovery coach working with clients in a practical way. With her education at the Infact School, it provided a structure and foundation that consolidated her professional work through the food addiction treatment and counseling support. From the Infact School Certification Course, she gained a network to collaborate, connection with the Food Addiction Institute where she became a Board Member, and advanced her skills and career in the field. Testimonial She says: "The training I received at Infact School was transformative. It gave me the tools and knowledge to make a real difference in people's lives." "The best thing about INFACT for me is that I am well connected with a global network of food addiction professionals (and food addict peers). It can be lonely in a world where food addiction is not yet recognized as a category of addiction among practitioners. I’ve been able to refer some international enquiries I get through my website to colleagues in the United States and Canada."
Bonnie Nolan
Food Addiction Versus Eating Disorders, What Are the Differences?
These three incredible professionals have not only personally experienced recovery from addiction, but they have made it their life’s work to help others recover from food addiction and eating disorders. This podcast panel episode is comprised of three well-known experts in the treatment of food addiction and eating disorders, Dr. Marty Lerner, Amanda Leith, and Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir. Dr. Marty Lerner is the founder and CEO of the Milestones in Recovery program (Milestones In Recovery website) in southeast Florida Amanda Leith heads SHiFT, Recovery by Acorn ( SHiFT website ), and Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir, owner of this podcast, leads the INFACT School (INFACT School website). These professionals agree that as we look at the differences and similarities between eating disorders and food addiction, it can be complicated. Yet one thing they all agree on, eating disorders almost always have some basis in an addictive bodily response, and or addictive and compulsive food behaviors. The absolute importance of complete abstinence from addictive foods such as sugar, ultra-processed foods, flour, and other trigger foods, weighing and measuring portions can be critical to recovery. Treatment programs for food addiction are quite valuable to help engage food addicts to begin recovery and food plans can vary by individual. While there are many ways to look at the emotional and spiritual aspects of food addiction recovery, all agree that 12-step programs are important to long-term recovery. Our society focuses on quick fixes for weight control, restrictive diets, surgery, and drugs, yet the solution is getting to the nature of the addiction and the emotional work around food use and behaviors. Listen to these experts talk about the disease of food addiction and eating disorders and learn how treatment can work, there is a solution to weight control and compulsive food behaviors.
Food Addiction Is A Brain Disease
In this podcast, host Susan Branscome, interviews Director and Founder of The International School For Food Addiction Counseling And Treatment (INFACT School), Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir. Revealed during the moving discussion is how the medical community focuses on the symptoms of food addiction, like obesity and related complications, without effectively addressing the source of the problem which is that food addiction is a brain disease. "The science is clear that food addicts are chemically addicted to foods such as sugar, flour and other trigger/binge foods and once ingested, it initiates an addictive response causing them to want more. Abstinent food plans and recovery programs are the solutions for food addicts," asserts Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir, a pioneer in the field of food addiction treatment. Herself a recovering food addict, she opened one of the first food addiction treatment programs in the world. Esther realized that not only the patients needed help with food addiction but also the professionals. "Food Addiction: The Problem and The Solution" podcast is now available on all major podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts. Listeners can also download the podcast on the INFACT School website About The INFACT School The International School for Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment (INFACT School) is the world's first and only food addiction counseling training, resulting in professional certification from an accredited certification body. Graduates qualify to receive a Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP) certificate from the European Certification Board and a CFAP from the The Addiction Professionals Certification Board. Registration is open for the September, 2023 term at About Susan Branscome The podcast host, Susan Branscome, is the creator and host of LeadingShe, a podcast where women leaders use their voices, wisdom and experiences to help elevate and inspire other women. A 40-year career in which Susan succeeded in the male-dominated commercial real estate industry and owned her own company, prepared her for the task of interviewing these courageous women, sharing stories and ideas of her own.
Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir talks about the podcast origins with Susan Branscome
A new podcast series, Food Addiction: The Problem and The Solution, sponsored by The International School for Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment (INFACT) launched on April 26, 2023. The podcast is hosted by Susan Branscome, a recovered food addict and the founder of, a platform for women leaders in recovery. The podcast aims to raise awareness and understanding of food addiction, a ubiquitous chronic and progressive condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Food addiction is characterized by a loss of control over eating certain foods, despite negative consequences to one's health, relationships, and well-being. Food addicts often struggle with obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. The podcast will feature interviews with experts, researchers, clinicians, and recovering food addicts who share their insights and experiences on food addiction. The podcast will also offer practical solutions and resources for those who want to overcome their food addiction and live a healthier and happier life, as well as how professionals provide food addiction treatment solutions. The podcast is sponsored by the International School for Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment (INFACT), the world’s first and only Food Addiction counseling training, resulting in professional certification from an accredited certification body. The INFACT School was founded by Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir, a pioneer in the field of food addiction treatment. Herself a recovering food addict, she opened one of the first food addiction treatment programs in the world. Esther realized that not only the patients needed help with food addiction but also the professionals. The podcast is available on all major podcast platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and Amazon. The podcast is also available at where listeners can find show notes, transcripts, links, and bonus materials. The podcast host, Susan Branscome, is a certified food addiction counselor and a certified professional coach. She is also a successful entrepreneur, speaker, author, and mentor. She has been in recovery from food addiction since 2015 and has helped hundreds of women leaders overcome their food addiction and achieve their personal and professional goals. She is passionate about sharing her story and inspiring others to find freedom from food addiction.
Esther Helga Guðmundsdóttir | FAI Board Member
Interviewed by: Cynthia Myers-Morrison, EdD Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir is a pioneer in the field of food addiction treatment. Once an opera singer and opera teacher, Esther was battling food addiction for most of her adult life until she discovered a twelve step program that changed her life. Once in recovery, she open one of the first food addiction treatment programs in the world. The MFM program in Iceland has treated many people, some of them had tried multiple diets and even surgery in an attempt to live a healthier life. Esther’s program gives them hope and the tools to achieve long term recovery. Based on the twelve steps of Alcoholic Anonymous their success rate long term is much higher than any other medical intervention. She then founded INFACT, an international training program for any type of professional willing to learn about food addiction and how to help those suffering with it. Hosted by Cynthia Myers-Morrison, EdD, CFAP, Board Member, FAI Webinars
Food Junkies Podcast: Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir, INFACT, training program for food addiction, 2022
Food Junkies Podcast interviews a mentor and pioneer in the Food Addiction Training world – Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir. Esther is a pioneer in the field of food addiction treatment. She opened one of the first food addiction treatment programs in the world, MFM. The MFM program, located in Iceland, has treated approximately 3000 Icelanders. Esther’s program gives her clients hope and the tools to achieve long-term food addiction recovery. It is based primarily on the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Esther also founded INFACT, the International Food Addiction and Counselling Training Program, designed for school any type of professional wanting to specialize in food addiction and recovery. This is a widely acknowledged scientific and clinically sound program covering all issues and skills required to become a food addiction counselor. Esther is also the Executive Director and Chair of the Food Addiction Institute, an independent, non-profit organization in the USA whose mission is to support the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of food addiction. IN THIS EPISODE, we explore: Esther’s personal and professional journey Her message of Hope The Food Addiction Institute. Org MFM/Food Addiction Counseling Center The International Food Addiction Counselor Training (INFACT) program The components of Food Addiction Treatment that Esther feels are essential What are Esther’s unique contributions to the Food Addiction Field CONTACT/FOLLOW ESTHER: Website: Facebook: Food Addiction Institute: The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede your healthcare provider's professional relationship and direction. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.
An Interview with Esther Helga
In this week's very special Vlog, I'm joined by Esther Helga from Iceland. I was recently introduced to Esther and a community of people around the world who are doing really interesting things in the world of food addiction research and treatment. Watch to hear all about their work. FOR THIS VLOG and MORE:
Esther Helga Guðmundsdóttir FULL INTERVIEW | Breaking the Cycle of Food Addiction
Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir, MSc. is founding Founding Director of the MFM Food Addiction Treatment Center, a treatment center for food addictions and eating disorders in Reykjavik, Iceland. As the Director of INFACT, the International School for Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment she has offered training and clinical supervision to many new and veteran food addiction counselors. Her specialties include sugar, food addiction, eating disorders, codependency, other and other addictions like love, work and debiting. Esther is also a certified Hypnotherapist that focuses on trauma-based regression and therapy for addictions, trauma, and anxiety. As an FAI board member, she works to engage the international community while developing effective food addiction counseling educational curriculum for professional development and training courses.
Esther Helga G., Iceland - Abstinent since 7 February 1999. Spoke at Tradition 5 Group, 26 Oct 2021
Are you obsessed with food? Are you unable to control your eating? After beginning to eat are you at times unable to stop, even if you really want to? You are not alone. This audio talk by a member of GreySheeters Anonymous, a 12-Step program for food addicts, explains the process by which thousands have recovered from their obsession, one day at a time. Learn more at
Expert Webinar Promo: Dr. Paul Early
Infact School Expert Webinar Series Premier! Attend live event, or watch Replay On Demand!
Give a Scholarship for Food Addiction Informed Treatment
Contribute to increasing the availability of Food Addiction Informed Treatment! Provide a gift towards student tuition. Pay it forward to increase the INFACT School Scholarship Fund. #foodaddiction #addictiontreatment
Food Addiction is REAL!
Fuel your recovery and counseling journey by participating in Treatment Practicum II starting on January 12 and 13. It is a unique opportunity to learn by doing, participating in the role of a patient starting recovery. Why Choose Treatment Practicum II? Hands-On Learning: 1. Participants actively participate in the treatment process for an invaluable experience of receiving treatment, as well as observing and practicing providing treatment in a safe, authentic and deeply connected manner. 2. Immerse yourself fully in the program to advance your professional skills in assisting others in their Food Addiction recovery journey. Visit for more!
Professionals Applying The Big Book -
Welcome to an exciting and meaningful virtual self-study course that will enrich you professionally and personally! 30 years in the making! Join Dr. Guttorm Toverud in his comprehensive self-study course and learn how to use The Big Book’s “original recipe” in professional addiction treatment. Guttorm Toverud has a Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education with a specialty in addictions and a Master’s degree in Agency Counseling with an emphasis in addictions, both from the USA. Although residing in America, he works in Scandinavia helping clinics and public service providers both establish and run 12-Step-based treatment. He also provides clinical and programmatic supervision. Together with a psychiatrist he developed a model for early intervention entitled “Arriving too late… as early as possible.” Ongoing enrollment, self-paced, online study course Register today at discounts available for group registration
Passionate About Helping Others Overcome Food Addiction?
Are you passionate about helping others overcome food addiction? Do you dream about making a real difference in people’s lives? Look no further than The INFACT School! The International School for Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment (The INFACT School) is the world’s first and only Food Addiction counseling training that awards professional certification from an accredited certification body. Graduates qualify to receive a Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP) certificate from the European Certification Board and a CFAP from the The Addiction Professionals Certification Board. With over 170 hours of engaging online and informative teaching sessions, you'll delve deep into the world of food addiction to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make a lasting impact. INFACT School's experienced instructors, who are leading experts in the field, will guide you through the latest research and evidence based practices. The INFACT School goes beyond theory and equips you with the hands-on skills needed to support individuals on their journey to recovery. You'll gain invaluable experience working directly with clients under the supervision of our faculty within the Practicum Program, that is part of the certification course. Upon completion of our program, you'll achieve the credential of Certified Food Addiction Professional, ready to make a positive impact in the lives of those struggling with food addiction. Register for the INFACT School Food Addiction Professional Certification Course and be a part of the solution. Together, let's build a healthier future for all!
Become A Food Addiction Professional
The International School for Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment (The INFACT School) is the world’s first and only Food Addiction counseling training that awards professional certification from an accredited certification body. Graduates qualify to receive a Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP) certificate from the European Certification Board and a CFAP from the The Addiction Professionals Certification Board.
The INFACT School 1 minute ad
Meet the teachers of the Infact School. We teach the science and methods for treatment for Food Addiction!

Contact us

Philip Raymond Werdell Celebration of Life
Phil Werdell Presents “Food Addiction Treatment for the Impaired Professional” March, 2013
The University of Florida (UF) Gainesville invited Phil Werdell to speak Wednesday, March 20, 2013 during their Continuing Medical Education Grand Rounds lecture series at the Florida Recovery Center. Phil’s lecture, “Food Addiction Treatment for the Impaired Professional” was webcast live and we have the opportunity to share the lecture with you.We are sure you will enjoy the presentation and feel free to forward this to those you think may benefit from viewing.
"10 Words or Less" with Philip Werdell
Werdell is the co-founder of Acorn Food Dependency Recovery Services, the driving force behind the Food Addiction Institute, and a key figure behind the only med-school-sponsored conference on food addiction anywhere, which will meet for its third year this fall.
Seeking Common Definitions in Food Addiction with Vera Tarman and Phil Werdell
The Food Addiction Insitute first webinar seeks do define common definitions for the treatment of food addiction. Dr. Vera Tarman and Phil Werdell, both co-authors of Food Junkies: The Truth about Food Addiction, present valuable information on the criteria for the treatment of addiction to food and the use of food as substance abuse.
09 10 22 phil 2 mp4 720p
11 04 22 phil on denial mp4 540p
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